Here you can find links to all our products. As we are always receiving new stock, please do not hesitate to contact us for availability or advice. The lists below are updated reasonably regularly however we strongly recommend calling ahead to check we still have the items you want. We can also source stock which is not listed on our website, please just get in touch. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always available should you want any advice or inspiration.
This tree list largely contains what we grow in East Yorkshire. Prices listed are for bare-rooted trees approximately 6-7 ft or 180-210cm tall although many are available in larger bare-rooted sizes.
This section contains a list of all our fruit trees/bushes. We stock an excellent range of both soft and hard fruit trees to add a little 'flavour' to your garden.
Offering a wide range of native or ornimental bare root hedging (whips) as well as potted hedging and woodland trees (whips). Farmers special package also available.
Gift vouchers, compost, stakes, tree guards, half barrel planters etc. We stock lots of extras that you might need to suppliment your planting needs.